Respect For The Environment

L’Erbolario environmental management system is in conformity with the requirements of UNI EN ISO 14001:2004 (ISO 14001:2004), certification provided by DET Norske Veritas (DNV). The environmental policy of L’Erbolario represents a true “statement of intent”. Through its six principles which make up the company it illustrates its engagement to protect the environment:
1) Maintainable development
From the outset L’Erbolario has committed itself to implement its activities in view of its principle of maintainable development to ensure the respect of humans and the environment. L’Erbolario assigns to the environmental management of the company the priority role to persue the maintainable development.
2) Local partnership and shared responsibility:
L’Erbolario undertakes the principle of shared responsibility. To improve the level of environmental protection it promotes local partnerships and cooperates with those who are active in protecting the environment and countryside.
3) Conformity with the regulation:
L’Erbolario respects the environmental protection by carefully verifying the regulations and the constant adaption to the community, national and regional dispositions regarding safety for workers, the natural and environmental resources.
4) Prevention, reduction and control of the environmental impact:
L’Erbolario adopts all the necessary devices to prevent, reduce and, where necessary, eliminate all forms of pollution or unjustified consumption of resources deriving from its activity. L’Erbolario in its production activity: preserves the natural resources thanks to an efficacious use of prime materials and energy:
- preserves the natural resources thanks to an efficacious use of prime materials and energy:
- reduces, as much as possible, the production of residue and emissions in the environment;
- ensures the correct handling of refuse which cannot be recuperated or recycled.
5) Products and packaging:
L’Erbolario Research and Development Laboratory projects the new cosmetics and constantly improves those already existing, using and researching the technical solutions most suitable to contain the environmental impact. L’Erbolario uses packaging material which are the most efficacious for hygiene and safety and more adapt to the requirements and expectations of the consumers. At the same time it carries out research for solutions which allow the realization of packaging which can be easily recycled.
6) Communication:
L’Erbolario promotes activities of communication on the environmental aspects of its production: in this way improving information and it makes itself available to dialogue.
During the years, the ethical and scientific severity together with the constant research of the utmost environmental quality, have allowed L’Erbolario to obtain important recognitions and certifications. The undertaking to reduce to the minimum the environmental impact is expressed by L’Erbolario constant wish to promote a maintainable development.
- L’Erbolario has adopted an Environmental Management System (UNI EN ISO 14001 n. 497-2002-AE-MIL-SINCERT DNV certification);
- L’Erbolario use electricity derived exclusively from renewable sources;
- L’.Erbolario certifies all its agricultural activities through ICEA (Institute for Environmental Ethical Certification), according to the Regulation CE 834/07 on organic farming (certification code IT ICA C517);
- The safety and efficacy of L’Erbolario products are certified by clinical tests carried out at the University of Pavia.
- All products are formulated and manufactured in the Lodi production site, our cosmetics are produced without discrimination or exploitation of workers.
- L’Erbolario adheres to the „International Humane Cosmetics Standard: Stop the tests on animal”, managed in Italy by LAV (Anti Vivisection League). All its products are independently audited by ICEA on behalf of LAV.
- L’Erbolario contributes to the FAI “Fondo per l’Ambiente Italiano”: a trust set up on the model of the “NATIONAL TRUST” in England.
Because at L’Erbolario we think that real beauty always has an ethical profile.